Every parent wants the best for their children, especially in terms of education. Sometimes the learning process makes you tired, but the results are not in line with expectations. The thing that is often forgotten is, children need effective learning concepts to achieve good results. At the International School Bangkok, there is a curriculum that can help children to do the learning process done at home effectively and economically.
Here are some tips on how to learn effectively for parents:
1. Get to know the learning style of your child
Every child has their way of learning, some are accustomed to listening to the teacher and get immediately understand, some need to read while taking notes, and some even have to learn in the one night before they can understand. Here, the role of parents is very influential. See how your child learns and determine the type!
2. Regular Learning
Do not let children feel depressed during learning. Parents can accustom children to regular learning because everything that is done regularly will become a habit. Thus, children will feel accustomed and not depressed or bored with learning even though they are lazy. Regular learning can be started by getting children to read textbooks at a certain time each day.
3. Learn with fun
Introduce children to create their own positive emotions because with positive emotions children will feel happy. This condition can be realized by providing the facilities that they need, such as a comfortable study room, installing music to help children reflect on lessons, provide snacks, and others.
4. Learning through Mind Mapping
The more diverse textbooks, the more difficult for children to memorize and understand the lesson. You can do mind mapping, which is done by telling your child to map out what they have learned. What are the advantages of this idea? Children will be easier to memorize with a shorter time!
5. Learn with Technology
Current technological developments make things easier, as well as education. Why? Because now children’s learning can be accessed in various digital facilities; internet, ebooks, and lessons that can be watched on youtube. In addition to easy access, this method is also relatively economical, and the results are also very effective.